Lorena Williams

The Gift of an Iron Fairy

The Gift of an Iron Fairy

The Gift of an Iron Fairy

Yesterday I visited my hairdresser Lisa to get spruced up for the holidays.  As I settled into her chair she smiled her signature smile and said, “Here.  This is for you.”  She then presented me with a gift bag and in it was an iron fairy.  Turns out the fairy is named Emma, she has the wings of a bee and is seated with her arms wrapped around her knees.  Then Lisa said, “She reminds me of you.”  And once more I appreciated Lisa’s brilliance in areas far beyond color and cut.

This fairy symbolizes all of us under the influence of this past year. 2009 has been a real doozy, hasn’t it?  And from time to time I have felt as fragile and vulnerable as a tiny fairy.  Resources and relationships that we thought we could rely on have shifted or even vanished.  In response we’ve gotten creative and networked like never before.  We’ve learned that we are stronger and sturdier than we realized.  We’ve faced situations that have demanded we develop courage and stamina.  And while we have faltered on occasion and  are still facing great challenges, we have come through it all.  We have become iron fairies.

I remember watching Mary Martin in Peter Pan when I was a child.  There is that scary scene when Tinker Bell is dying and to save her we were asked to clap our hands.  I remember clapping like crazy.  And sure enough, she revived and continued being the bright light that she is.  I hope you have felt me clapping for you this past year.  Let me tell you, I have felt you clapping for me and I am so very grateful for it.

And so as we go into the Season of Light, I wish you a wonderful holiday and a miraculous 2010.

in Love and Service,
